BadgeDocs are hyperlinked Google Docs created to support a workflow that empowers students to be in charge of their own learning. Essentially BadgeDocs are Hyperdocs with Badges attached.

The BadgeDoc workflow includes 3 different Google Docs, each with a different purpose.
The EVIDENCE DOC is a Google Doc assigned to students. It is a type of HYPERDOC with links to LESSONS for the students to follow, space for students to put EVIDENCE of learning and a place for the BADGE that they earn.
The CONTENT DOC is a multimedia rich Google Slides presentation. Text, images, video, GIFS etc are used to create interactive lessons that students can follow. URLS for these lessons are linked to the Evidence Doc. The Content Doc also includes a slide with evidence needed to earn the Badge.
The TRACKING DOC is a Google Spreadsheet with the Flippity Badge Tracker Add On installed. The teacher assigns badges with an ‘x’, stars, or a percent complete. The Add On turns this information into a shareable web interface.

GOOGLE CLASSROOM is used to manage documents and streamline feedback. First, the Evidence Doc is assigned via Classroom; then, students TURN IN the assignment when they are ready for a badge to be assigned; finally, the teacher uses the Grading Portal to easily access student evidence docs and give feedback.